Keeping the tradition alive during these challenging times,
the Celtic Arts Center presents...
A Robert Burns Celebration
Monday, January 27, 2025 at 7:30-10:30PM
at The Mayflower Club @ 11110 Victory Blvd. in North Hollywood, CA.
The Mayflower Club's bar will be open and selling your favorite liquid refreshments.
for our in-person tribute to Scotland's favorite poet, Rober Burns!
We are celebrating his January birthday with a wonderful evening sharing Burns poems, tunes and songs, and more. Everyone is invited to come and celebrate!
This free event is open to all Celtic Arts Center members and friends, as well as the general public! Let everyone know and plan to join us as we pay tribute to the Bard of Scotland tonight, Monday, January 27, 2025. The evening will be a casual night of sharing your favorite Burns poems and songs, all in the spirit of camaraderie! We are skipping the full-course Burns Night Supper and parred back the festivities this time round for something easy and accessible for everyone to enjoy and participate in. We'll have some presentations and we welcome contributions from the audience gathered as well.
We are still actively seeking participation from members and friends for the evening's presentations of the works of Robert Burns! We have received responses from some who wish to present a poem or song, but we will be open to last-minute readers or singers if time permits. If you do have a pipe tune, a Burns song or poem you'd like to share, please email the details to
No reservations are necessary to attend — there ought to be plenty of seats for everyone wanting to participate in this year's Robert Burns celebration. There's no admission fee and kilts are optional!
If you would like to share some treats with your fellow Celts, feel free to bring your favorite munchies!* No crock-pots or dips, please. There will be all kinds of beverages available for purchase at the bar.
(*To those who are bringing food, please practice good food safety and cleanliness standards. Enjoy the treats and special dishes prepared by your friends and fellow Center members and brought from their homes. The Celtic Arts Center and The Mayflower are not responsible for any unforeseen food-related issues and are hereby released of any liability.)
Our regularly scheduled Monday night activities of classes and session will be preempted for the talent presentations.
Slàinte mhath!