CURRENTLY Meeting Online via Zoom
Monday nights in the Winter and Spring of 2024, the Celtic Arts Center will offer an online introductory class in the Irish language (Gaelic)
from 7–8PM. This class will be conducted via Zoom meeting. We have found that online instruction extends the class' reach to the public (as well as instructors) and we are also exploring ways to offer access to class instruction at the Mayflower Club during our Monday night programming in future.
Beginners/Intro to Irish Language Class:
Beginners level Irish language class starting with emphasis on pronunciation, lower level grammar and basic conversation practice. Instructor: James Murphy. Format: Online via Zoom. Class Time: Mondays 7-8PM. Texts used: Progress In Irish, Gaeilge Gan Stró – Beginners Level, and Buntús Cainte. All materials provided in digital format. Tuition: Classes are FREE for first-timers* and Celtic Arts Center members.
We would like to welcome the return of James Murphy, our Beginners Irish class teacher. This beginners Irish class is FREE for newcomers and open to the public. Anyone can join and learn how to speak and read Irish!
For those interested in joining the Beginners Irish class, please email the language department at with any questions and for Zoom log-in details.
* Tuition for this introductory class is FREE and open to the public for one year. Once a year has past, we ask that students either become paid member of the Celtic Arts Center or pay $5/class. Enrollment is on-going and everyone's welcome to join at any time.
If you have any additional questions about our language workshops, you can e-mail us at .
Additionally the Celtic Arts Center from time to time offers more in-depth courses in Irish Gaelic language, as part of our schedule of classes and workshops.
Do you need a reason to learn Irish Gaelic?
Watch this video short "Yu Ming is ainm dom." (Real Player required).
The primary texts used in our workshops are:
It is not mandatory that you have the texts with you the first class you attend, but please consider buying them soon after joining the class.
Below is a list of other books we use in our workshops and some convenient places where you can find them.
Foclóir Póca, a pocket size English/Irish - Irish/English (Bearla-Gaeilge / Gaeilge-Bearla) dictionary
Where can you get these books?
Cló Iar-Chonnachta
Publisher of books in Irish and of traditional Irish music.
Cló Iar-Chonnachta
Connemara, Co. Galway
PH: + 353 91 593 307
Their website is a great resource for Irish language students and musicians. They have an extensive selection available for purchase online and the ability to search their entire catalogue.
Cill Chúile, Baile na nGall, Trá Li, Co. Chiarrai
Tel: +353 (0) 669 155 237
Fax: +353 (0) 669 155 523
A great online resource for purchasing Gaeilge books, magazines, recordings, etc. online. "Every Irish book in print."
An Siopa Leabhar
A great source for textbooks, non-fiction and fiction books and magazines published in the Irish language. Books can be ordered online and shipped from their Dublin location.
An Siopa Leabhar
6 Harcourt Street
Dublin 2
PH: +353 01 478 3814