Dheanainn Sùgradh Ris An Nigh’n Duibh...
‘N deidh dhomh èirigh as a’ mhadainn...
Dheanainn Sùgradh Ris An Nigh’n Duibh.
[ 1 ]
Dheanainn Sùgradh Ris a’ ghruagaich
Nuair a bhiodh an sluagh nan cadal...
[ 2 ]
Dheanainn Sùgradh an àm dùsgaidh
‘N àm an siùil a bhith gam pasgadh...
[ 3 ]
Di-Luain an dèidh Di-Dòmhnaich
Dh’fhalbh sinn le Seonaid à Àrcaibh...
[ 4 ]
Bha muir gorm a’ ruith fo cuinnlein
‘S i cur still à grunnd an aigeil...
[ 5 ]
Riof ga ceangal’s riof ga fuasgladh,
Muir ma guallainn fuaim is fead oirr...
[ 6 ]
Null ma chaolas na Fraing,
Maide ‘na laimh ‘s gaoth ga greasad...
[ 7 ]
Cha robh ròpa feum a splaidhsadh
Air mo mhaighdeann ri tigh’nn dhachaidh...
[ 8 ]
Dh’fheumadh pòrsan thigh’n à bùth dhì
Ged a bhiodh e crùn an cairteal...
[ 9 ]
Ged a bhiodh e crùn an òirleach,
Dh’fheumadh pòrsan dheth thigh’nn dhachaidh.
[Seist x2]
I'd sport with the black-haired daughter...
after I got up in the morning...
I'd sport with the black-haired daughter.
[ 1 ]
I'd sport with the young woman
When everyone was asleep.
[ 2 ]
I'd sport when I woke up
When the sails were being furled...
[ 3 ]
On Monday after Sunday
Janet and I left Orkney...
[ 4 ]
The blue sea running under her bow
as she drove splashes from the ocean deep...
[ 5 ]
Taking in a reefline and letting it out,
the sea alongside her shoulder noisily whistling...
[ 6 ]
Along the Straits of France,
Tiller in hand and driven by the wind...
[ 7 ]
Not a rope needed splicing
On my maiden coming home...
[ 8 ]
Her necessary portion (faring?) will be bought for her
though it would cost a crown a quarter...
[ 9 ]
Though it would cost a crown an inch,
A portion (faring?) had to be bought on the way home.
[Chorus x2]