Cluineadh Ceol
(Angels We've Heard On High)
[Rough Phonetic]
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Klin-ah keowl oh kore anglEE Shin-sah keowl guh glor-awk bEEn VEE gawk ard, gawk mah, gawk shlEEve LEEn-tah lawn deh gar-jus krEEst GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO Cod fEE nyar vuhr nyar-jus krEE Cod iss ah-var ah-hish dEEve Lig-gun shkayl lum, eye-er-EE Mar duh kray-lah ay oh yEE-uh GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO TrEE-l air veh-al, trEE-l guh jean TrEE-l guh veck-ir dEE-ah nah-nEE-an TrEE-l in ay-nawkt lin gan vwill TrEE-l guh n-eye-rah-mEEsh un krEEst GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO |
The display of these songs on this site is only meant as a means for the Celtic Arts Center Choir to distribute songs to its members. This is not intended for wider publication or larger distribution.
© 2002 TechnoCelt Productions in association with The Celtic Arts Center / An Claidheamh Soluis. All rights reserved.