Winter 2013–2014 - Classes, Seminars, and Workshops
If you wish to become a member to get the discount class rate, you can join online or download and fill out a membership application, and we will process your membership application at the first class. Tuition for classes and workshops must be paid either through cash or personal check at the start of class.
Some of these classes will not be held unless a minimum number of registered students is reached.
Scottish Gaelic (Gàidhlig) Study Group
** For Beginners & Intermediates**
Monday Evenings
8 9PM
The Mayflower Club
located at 11110 Victory Blvd. in North Hollywood, CA
(held upstairs in the library)
Tuition: $5/meeting for non-members
but FREE for ACS/CAC members!
Emphasis is on pronunciation, conversation and reading. In the first part of each class, we usually review very basic material, and in the second hour, we work at a more advanced level, for continuing study group members. (Beginners are welcome to stay, of course.)
The textbook is Teach Yourself Gaelic by Boyd Robertson and Iain Taylor (readily available at Barnes and Noble, Borders, or Amazon). Students are advised to purchase the complete "Teach Yourself Gaelic" course which includes the book as well as a CD/tape invaluable for ongoing listening practice. We will also include some Gaelic songs and practical conversation (Gaelic tea & biscuits, etc.).
Teacher - Eva Gordon has been studying Scottish Gaelic in books, online and via human interaction for the past 15 years. She has attended a number of workshops sponsored by ACGA (An Comunn Gàidhealach America/Gaelic Society of America) at Grandfather Mountain, North Carolina, and Richmond, Virginia, and at the Gaelic College, St. Ann’s, Cape Breton, N. S. A member of ACGA , she was the winner of ACGA's Distance Mòd Prose Competition (advanced) in 2002, ACGA’s Advanced Gaelic Scholarship, 2005, and winner of the Great Lakes Gaelic Mòd 2005. An active member of The Celtic Arts Center, she sings in the An Cór Ceilteach, the Center's choir.
Sorry, but online tuition payments are not available for this class.
Please make arrangements with the instructor at class.
Introduction to Welsh Language Class
** For Beginners**
Monday Evenings
8 9PM
The Mayflower Club
located at 11110 Victory Blvd. in North Hollywood, CA
(held upstairs in the board room)
Tuition: $5/meeting for non-members
but FREE for ACS/CAC members!
The lessons will be on conversational Welsh. The learners, in a fairly short space of time should be able to engage in casual conversation in the Pub or marketplace in Wales. The text book the instructor, Peter Freeman, will be using will be "Learn Welsh Now" by Jason Shepherd, the presenter of the Lear Welsh Podcast. Purchase of the book is not necessary, he will provide handouts and those attending will be encouraged to take notes.
Mr. Freeman will also be using songs as a means of helping with pronunciation and to give a feel for the language. We will be learning folk songs that may well be sung by learners in the seisun later.
The textbook is Learn Welsh Now – A Beginners Guide To Welsh by Jason Shepherd available online from A Raven Above Press).
Teacher - Peter Freeman is a native speaker of Welsh and is excited to begin teaching the Welsh language at the Celtic Arts Center.
Sorry, but online tuition payments are not available for this class.
Please make arrangements with the instructor at class.
Irish Set Dancing Workshop
Monday Nights for 6 weeks Workshop Flyer (PDF)
January 6 – February 10, 2014
7PM – 8PM
Location: The Mayflower Club
located at 11110 Victory Blvd. in North Hollywood, CA
(held downstairs in the auditorium)
Tuition: $7/class for non-members; $5/class for ACS/CAC members
Beginner & Intermediate Levels
Instructors Linda Savage & Yvonne Fleury, have been set dancing since 2000 and were original members of the Los Angeles Irish Set Dancers under the direction of Michael Patrick Breen. As members of that group they have both have performed at many festivals and fairs. They have been to the Willie Clancy Festival in Milltown Malbay, County Clare in Ireland were they participated in advanced set dancing workshops. Now they are eager to share their love of set dancing with others.
Set dancing is a form of social dancing which has been popular in Ireland for over 150 years. Sets are danced by four couples in a square, and usually consist of three to six figures. They are descended from the French quadrilles, which were brought to Ireland by the British army in the nineteenth century. Irish dancers adapted the figures to their own music and steps to form dances with great drive and enjoyment. The music these figures are usually danced to include reels, jigs, hornpipes, polkas and the occasional fling. Set dancing is very popular today in Ireland and in Irish communities throughout the world. In fact, set dancing is much more popular in Ireland than ceili dancing. It is great fun for people of all ages and fitness levels. Irish set dance style is a low, gliding, flat-to-the floor percussive dancing. There are many different styles, from basic steps to very elaborately embellished steps. Develop your own style and have fun!
Technique will be taught as you go along. Common movements in many sets that will be taught include: lead-around, swing your partner, advance and retire, body, ladies chain, round-the-house, dance at home, etc. Dances will be "called" with step-by-step instruction and walk-through before dancing to music. For more details about which dances you'll learn, please take a look at the workshop's flyer here.
Students should wear comfortable lightweight clothing and comfortable shoes. Step dancing shoes not required. Shoes with leather soles work well.
Sorry, but online tuition payments are not available for this class.
Please make arrangements with the instructor at class.
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Tue, December 31, 2013
An Claidheamh Soluis / The Celtic Arts Center
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