1) Coordinate scheduling of theatre productions, to include definitive booking of rehearsal and performance spaces and the execution of rental agreements (with the consent of the Board of Directors), as well as procurement of performance rights from copyright holders where necessary.
2) Monitor the progress of all productions to ensure that performers are adequately prepared for performance and that all physical aspects of production (including tickets and playbills) will be ready for Opening Night.
3) Prepare a list of suggested plays or musicals for the calendar year in consultation with the Dramaturgical Committee (if such exists at any given time). Present this proposed production calendar to the Board of Directors for approval. The Board of Directors reserves the right to disallow production of any play.
4) Serve as chair of the Theatre Committee. Actively recruit membership for this committee from among ACS/CAC members and other participants. In consultation with the Board of Directors, establish an appropriate meeting schedule for the committee. Provide reports on the activities of the committee to the Board.
5) Coordinate the recruitment of directors for productions as needed. The Director of Theatre may direct productions and be compensated for such work, if qualified to do so, but is strongly encouraged to engage at least one "guest director" per calendar year.
6) Coordinate the recruitment of paid and volunteer design and production staff (to include front-of-house). Where qualified, the Director of Theatre can serve as a designer on any given production and receive financial compensation.
7) In consultation with the President of the Board, each fiscal year prepare a budget for Theatre activities within ACS/CAC for approval by the Board.
8) Assist the Treasurer in the preparation of production income and expense statements when necessary.
9) Serve as liaison to any outside individual or organization providing independently-produced theatre to be offered under the auspices of ACS/CAC. Report to the Board of Directors on the progress of any such productions.
10) Where appropriate, serve as liaison to press and other media regarding ACS/CAC theatre activities.
1) Experience in the coordination of theatrical production, from both an artistic and logistical standpoint. Relevant prior credits might include: Artistic Director, Producer, Producing Director, Production Manager, Production Stage Manager, Technical Director. A demonstration of breadth of experience in theatre production or advanced formal training would substitute for previous theatre staff positions.
2) Competence in or advanced understanding of the work of the stage director including script analysis; establishing a production concept with design staff; establishing an appropriate rehearsal schedule; blocking; coaching actors; communicating with publicity staff.
3) A personal interest in Celtic not exclusively Irish culture and history is encouraged. A willingness to selflessly promote dramatic literature that reveals aspects of that culture and history is mandatory. The candidate should either possess or be highly motivated to acquire a working knowledge of Celtic and Celtic-oriented theatre history and dramatic literature.