CTO - Chief Technical Officer

[ S/he manages and is charge of the maintenance of all computer-related systems of the Center.]

Ongoing Responsibilities:
• Oversees the development of the website and its maintenance (or delegates it).
• Oversees the management of official Center e-mail – both incoming and outgoing
• Oversees the development of and its maintenance of all Center databases
--e-mail (outreach, members, etc.)
--students (classes, tuition, attendance records, etc.)
• Oversees the maintenance of Center's computer equipement.
• Collaborates with all department directors, event coordinators, and committees to provide computer assistance PRN.
• Evaluate and advise the Board on equipement and software purchases, upgrades, and services.

Ad-Hoc Responsibilities:
• Provide technical support for all Center computer systems on a need basis.

Supported By / Reports To:
• Executive Director

Skills Required:
• Advanced computer skills and extensive experience in systems admistration, webhosting, hardware maintenance.
• Organizational and communication skills
• Ability to delegate